
Theatre Information

How do I obtain tickets to a Broadway In Chicago show?
Please visit our ticket information page for details.

What are the hours and locations of the box offices?
Box office hours vary, please call (312) 977-1700 or click here for the current week’s hours.
The James M. Nederlander Theatre box office is located at 24 W. Randolph, between State and Dearborn.
The CIBC Theatre box office is located at 18 W. Monroe, between State and Dearborn.
The Cadillac Palace box office is located at 151 W. Randolph, between Wells and LaSalle.
The Broadway Playhouse box office is located at 175 E. Chestnut, between Michigan and Mies Van Der Rohe Way.
The Auditorium Theatre box office is located at 50 E Ida B Wells Dr., between Michigan Avenue and Wabash.

Where can I find seating charts?
Seating charts are available here.

Can all ages attend shows at Broadway In Chicago theatres?
As a courtesy to our patrons, we recommend children 5 and above attend our shows and strongly recommend that that children under 2 do not attend. This recommendation may be altered on show by show based on content. Any specific age restrictions will be included in your purchase. Show-specific age recommendations will be listed on each show pages on our website. Parental judgment of the content for each show should be made on an individual basis prior to purchase. All patrons, regardless of age, must have a ticket, minors must be accompanied by an adult and will be asked to leave the theatre if exhibiting disruptive behavior.

How early can I pick up tickets that are held at will call?
You may pick your tickets up from the box office as soon as you receive a confirmation number. Tickets are available up to show time, but we suggest to retrieve your tickets a half hour before the show.

Where can I go to eat before or after the show?
There are a number of fine restaurants near the four Broadway In Chicago theatres. You can find a list of them here.

Where can I park for the show?
InterPark is the official parking garage of Broadway In Chicago. Present your ticket stub at the parking garage to receive the special theatre rate. You can find the location of an InterPark garage near the theatre you will be attending here.

When does the theatre open?
The theatre lobby spaces normally open 45 minutes prior to the start of the show. The House (or seating area) will open approximately 30 minutes prior to the start of the show.

Is photography permitted in the theatre?
The use of cameras or sound recorders is strictly prohibited by law inside the theatre at any time.

What size bag can I bring with me to the theatre?
Please do not bring anything to the theatre that will not fit comfortably under your seat. Broadway In Chicago asks all guests to arrive early and travel light. For the comfort, safety, and security of all patrons, Broadway In Chicago reserves the right to search bags for security reasons, regardless of size, but backpacks and other large bags that are approximately 10″ x 10″ or larger may be searched prior to entering the theatre and as such could cause a delay. There are no coat check facilities available.

Are mobile phones and beepers permitted in the theatre?
Yes, but please turn off all cellular phones, beepers, and alarm watches before the show begins. If you are in need of a number at which you can be reached in the event of an emergency, please see our contact page.

What are the provisions for hearing impaired patrons?
Assisted listening devices are available at no charge to patrons and may be secured from the House Manager and must be secured with a driver’s license. A schedule of performances that will be interpreted for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is available by calling (312) 977-1700, menu option #5 (TTY: (800) 359-2525). For more information on Broadway In Chicago’s provisions for patrons with accessible needs, you may also visit our Accessible Information page.

What are the provisions for patrons with accessible seating needs?
Please call (312) 977-1700 and choose menu option #5 (TTY: (800) 359-2525) to inquire about accessible seats. For more information on Broadway In Chicago’s provisions for patrons with accessible needs, you may also visit our Accessible Information page.

What if I arrive late for a show?
All shows begin promptly at the time indicated on your ticket. Any patron who arrives late, or leaves the auditorium during the performance, will be seated at the discretion of the Management. Patrons are urged to remain seated while the performance is in progress. Broadway In Chicago reserves the right, without the refund of any portion of the ticket purchase price, to refuse admission to or eject any person whose conduct is deemed to be disorderly or who fails to comply with these or other Broadway In Chicago policies.

Is there an emergency phone number at which I can be reached during the performance?
The emergency phone numbers to the theatres are:

James M. Nederlander Theatre
(312) 384-1501

Cadillac Palace
(312) 384-1502

CIBC Theatre
(312) 384-1500

Broadway Playhouse
(312) 977-1700 ext 2250

Please leave your seat location with the House Manager if you need to be contacted. If someone needs to contact you in an emergency, he or she MUST be able to give your seat location.

Is smoking permitted in the theatre?
In accordance with the city of Chicago by-laws, smoking is not permitted anywhere in the theatre at any time. If you wish to smoke, you must leave the building and take your ticket stub with you for re-admittance.

Is there a lost-and-found?
Please call (312) 977-1700 for lost and found.

Is there elevator service in the theatre?
Elevator service is available to most levels of each theatre. However, you will need to navigate stairs to most seats on the upper levels of the theatre. For accessible seats, please call our accessibility specialist at (312) 977-1700, menu option #5 (TTY: (800) 359-2525 ), or e mail: [email protected]. For more information on Broadway In Chicago’s provisions for patrons with accessible needs, you may also visit our Accessible Information page.

May I bring refreshments into the theatre?
Select refreshments from Broadway In Chicago concessions are allowed inside the auditorium. You may not bring any outside food or drink into the theatre. The theatre is not responsible for any food or drink items left in the lobby or restrooms.

Can my tickets be exchanged for another date or for a refund?
There are no refunds or exchanges on tickets.

What is the temperature like in the buildings?
Temperature management in a large venue for over 2000 guests who all have varying perceptions of comfort can be challenging. We monitor our temperature and settings regularly but the temperature can be affected by many factors including number of guests, amount of humidity and the rapidly changing outside temperatures of Chicago. Our recommendation is to dress comfortably for being in a large group, and if you are susceptible to cold, light jacket, shawl or sweater just in case. Our goal is for the temperature to be perfect for each and every one of our guests but we understand that may not always be true and for that we thank you for coming prepared.