
Posts Tagged ‘daily herald’

Short and Sweet – Bullets Over Broadway

Posted on: April 26th, 2016 by B.I. C. No Comments

Short and Sweet guest critic Phillip Nardi reviews Bullets Over Broadway with host Diana Martinez for the Daily Herald.

Martinez says “These over-the-top characters, funny/punny one-liners, great music and brilliant dancing all add up to a great night out.”

Read more and watch the video review at the Daily Herald website


Short and Sweet – Matilda The Musical

Posted on: March 30th, 2016 by B.I. C. No Comments

Short and Sweet host Diana Martinez and guest critic Holly Daigle discuss Matilda The Musical, now playing at the Oriental Theatre through April 10.

Martinez says “The true magic of the show is the underlying moral and message to children that knowledge is power.”

Read more and watch at the Daily Herald website


Short & Sweet – Dee Snider’s Rock & Roll Christmas Tale

Posted on: December 9th, 2014 by B.I. C. No Comments



Short & Sweet host Diana Martinez and guest critic Patrick Murphy of Elgin attended Dee Snider’s Rock & Roll Christmas Tale and Murphy describes the show as a rock concert mixed with a comedy show: “You were laughing at one moment; the next you’re up clapping, stamping your feet, rocking rock show.” According to Murphy, it’s different from typical holiday shows and has a broad appeal for audience members of all ages. Read more at the Daily Herald


Short & Sweet – Amazing Grace

Posted on: October 28th, 2014 by B.I. C. No Comments


Guest critic Christine Murphy of Palatine discusses her perspective on Broadway in Chicago’s new musical, Amazing Grace with Short and Sweet host Diana Martinez. Murphy was immediately drawn into the performance, finding it to be highly emotional: “A tear came to my eye more than one time.” Read more at the Daily Herald…