
Group Leader Tools


Keep track of all your show attendees with a sign-up sheet that you can post. The sheet can also be used when you send your tickets out by keeping track of what seats you assign each person in the “office use” section of the sign-up sheet. In the event someone in your group loses a ticket you will know the exact location and with that information the group sales office can easily help you replace the lost ticket.

Check back soon for updates!


Improve your theatre experience by reviewing the material with your group before you see the show. Follow the links below to the show study guides.

My Fair Lady


For schools and youth organizations that are taking a trip to the theatre, a post-show Q & A can be the perfect way to turn your evening of entertainment into an educational experience as well. The Question and Answer session is 15 minutes with available cast members immediately following your performance. Once you secure a performance date, simply submit a Q & A request to the group sales office and we will try to accommodate your group.

For information or to order call (312) 977-1710